mickey cobras laws

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841(a)(1) (Count VI). Hankton's claim of impermissible double counting finds no support in the record, much less the voluminous amount of case law on this subject. 24. See Barnes, 117 F.3d at 338. Where different aspects or components of the defendant's behavior are addressed by different enhancements, improper double counting has not occurred. Bell pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 40 years in prison, while the other two enforcers--Jamaine Jackson and Carl Williams--were convicted at trial and given 60-year prison terms each, according to Assistant State's Atty. Find something similiar nearby. It is true that later in the same monologue the judge mentions the position Hankton occupied to illustrate the point that the actual amount attributable to him could reach even beyond 1.5 kilograms. It is clear from those statements, however, that without taking Hankton's leadership role in the offense into consideration, the judge determined that the sentencing enhancement should apply, making any other drug amounts attributable to Hankton via his leadership role superfluous.29 Said differently, the judge concluded that Hankton was personally responsible for distributing well beyond 500 gram[s] of crack cocaine, which justified the enhancement of his sentence under 2D1.1. Specifically, Agent Darin testified as to the meaning and context of a number of intercepted phone conversations Davis had with Hankton and other individuals in which Davis discussed cooking large amounts of powder cocaine in order to produce crack cocaine. Notes [ edit] He's got the Mercedes, and he's got a BMW too. The Mickey Cobras now have their own unique written constitution and by-laws, which show a strong Islamic influence, just like those of the modern-day BPSN. Both Hankton and Davis challenge the district court's enhancement of their sentences based on drug quantity. Indeed, the federal criminal code makes clear that: No limitation shall be placed on the information concerning the background, character, and conduct of a person convicted of an offense which a court of the United States may receive and consider for the purpose of imposing an appropriate sentence. 18 U.S.C. Chicago Police Detective Kenneth Charles, one of the officers charged with investigating Williams' murder and a court recognized expert on the MCs, related information that he uncovered which led him to believe that Hankton had ordered the beating that resulted in Williams' death. Subtracting 3 points for Hankton's acceptance of responsibility, see U.S.S.G. 18. Following Agent Darin's testimony, the government introduced Davis' plea agreement as well as the plea agreements of the other co-defendants. 2. Also, although premising multiple enhancements on identical facts' constitutes impermissible double counting the presence of some overlap in the factual basis for two or more upward adjustments does not automatically qualify as double counting. Id. Among the co-defendants were Woodrow Green, Jammah Olden, Rasuah Brunner, Ngaya Brunner, Timeka Murdock and Mekeba Gates, many of whom were also members of the MCs and all of whom also entered into plea agreements with the government. Made public recently by police sources, the sheets outline how gang members should behave while peddling drugs in the Robert Taylor Homes. 801, that evidence was corroborated by other evidence submitted at sentencing, and thus could reasonably be considered reliable by the sentencing judge. The Mickey Cobras' drug operation is set up so that shifts of "security" patrol the lobby area, acting as lookouts for police or anyone else who might interfere with drug sales, according to police and the list of rules. Hankton responds that [i]t's guaranteed. Agent Darin testified that butter was a common code word for cocaine and that the two were actually discussing the future sale of either crack or powder cocaine. The Mickey Cobras back in 1954 until 1960 were known as the Egyptian Cobras. Both men also contend that the district court erroneously enhanced their sentences based on insufficient and unreliable evidence. They are members of the People Nation in Illinois prisons. Armed with this information, the government obtained arrest warrants for 19 individuals connected with the MCs and, on January 2, 2001, Hankton and Davis were apprehended on allegations of conspiring to possess cocaine and crack with the intent to distribute, in violation of 21 U.S.C. Some of the factors for a sentencing court to consider when determining whether a defendant held a leadership role under 3B1.1 include: the defendant's (1) exercise of decision-making authority; (2) participation in committing the offense; (3) recruitment of accomplices; (4) degree of participation in planning or organizing the criminal activity; (5) degree of control or authority exercised over others involved in the criminal activity; and (6) the nature and scope of the illegal activity. United States v. Falcon, 347 F.3d 1000, 1004 (7th Cir.2003) (citing United States v. Noble, 246 F.3d 946, 953 (7th Cir.2001)). After all, a sentencing court in making its sentencing determination must draw inferences from a variety of data, including the defendant's demeanor and information in the [presentence report], in order to reach [its] conclusion. See United States v. Frazier, 213 F.3d 409, 417 (7th Cir.2000) (quoting United States v. Fones, 51 F.3d 663, 665 (7th Cir.1995)). For example, the government was unable to obtain conclusive information about Hankton and Hankton's associates without arousing suspicion. Additionally, the use of undercover agents [was determined to] be impractical and dangerous due to the highly suspicious' nature of the alleged offenders.. In other words, Davis must present this court with more than conclusory allegations that a government witness is unreliable; he must present evidence which would in some way rebut that testimony or demonstrate that it is inaccurate and should not have been relied upon by the sentencing judge. 9. Accordingly, consideration of any additional amounts attributable to him via his leadership role in the MCs was superfluous.30. Olden's understanding was that, during that period of time, Hankton was the King or leader of the MCs on the North-Side of Chicago.18 Specifically highlighting Hankton's leadership role, Olden went on to describe an instance where Hankton had ordered Olden and other members of the MCs not to run, but to stand and fight when they became involved in an altercation with members of a rival gang, the Gangster Disciples, over drug peddling territory. In addition, we reject Hankton's claim that the sentencing judge's application of U.S.S.G. 3B1.1(a). 841(a)(1). 22. The Mickey Cobras are a lairge street gang affiliatit wi the naitionwide gang affiliation kent as the People Nation. "They don't want any trouble . 1781, 152 L.Ed.2d 860 (2002). 30. In 2006, multiple people died from overdose when a strengthened variant of heroin made its way into the houses. Improper and impermissible double counting only occurs when a district court imposes two or more upward adjustments within the guideline range, when both are premised on the same conduct. U.S. v. Haines, 32 F.3d 290, 293 (7th Cir.1994) (emphasis in original). The initial intercept ran from June 15 to July 14, 2000, when the warrant expired. We disagree. In fact, both Agent Darin and Jammah Olden testified that the gang's sole source of revenues was from the sale of illegal drugs. See id. See, e.g., United States v. Morales, 994 F.2d 386, 388 (7th Cir.1993) (holding that [i]t is enough that more than one person was involved in the criminal activity and that the defendant played a leadership as distinct from a followership role) (citing United States v. Herrera, 878 F.2d 997 (7th Cir.1989)). Through the use of the cooperating witness, the FBI was able to conduct a number of controlled purchases of crack cocaine. The gang, called the Mickey Cobras, also sold crack cocaine, marijuana and the potentially lethal prescription painkiller fentanyl, according to authorities. See United States v. Martinez, 289 F.3d 1023, 1028-29 (7th Cir.2002) (holding that reliability may be established by corroborating evidence). Indeed, it would be antithetical to consider these to be mutually exclusive endeavors. See supra p. 13. In order to honor Mickey, they changed their name to Mickey Cobras. See supra p. 19-20. Factions of the gang are being established throughout the Midwestern United States. At Hankton's sentencing, the judge enumerated a number of factors which led him to the conclusion that Hankton was a leader or organizer of a criminal activity-here the distribution of crack cocaine-within the meaning of 3B1.1(a). 846 and 18 U.S.C. Reported as permanently closed. Both in Prison and in the street gangs in CA. As Charles explained, Hankton held the position of don or foreman of the MCs at the Cabrini-Green housing project where Williams lived, and had the authority to order a violation of this kind. We review the district court's determination of drug quantity and role in the offense, in the same manner as before Booker, for clear error. United States v. Sutton, 406 F.3d 472, 474 (7th Cir.2005) (citing United States v. Parra, 402 F.3d 752, 762 (7th Cir.2005)). As this court has previously noted [i]t is well known that drug dealers commonly use code language out of fear that their conversations will be intercepted. United States v. Harris, 271 F.3d 690, 702 (7th Cir.2001). However, because we have held that the court's consideration of the co-defendant's plea agreements at sentencing did not constitute clear error under any circumstances, we need not separately discuss Davis' challenge to the enhancements to his sentence under 3B1.1(b).Nonetheless, even if we were to hold that the plea agreements were unreliable and should not have been considered, the enhancement was still supported by the record. Allowing an illegal sentence to stand would constitute a miscarriage of justice, see White, 406 F.3d at 835-36. In fact, 2D1.1 and 3B1.1(a) are premised on entirely different conduct; for while an individual may be found to have distributed a certain quantity of drugs making him eligible for a sentence enhancement under 2D1.1, he need not be a leader or organizer of a criminal activity, as described by 3B1.1, to do so. 29. See United States v. Barnes, 117 F.3d 328, 337 (7th Cir.1997). United States v. Booker, 543 U.S. 220, 125 S.Ct. If you would ike to contact us via email please click . In Gangs and Organized Crime, George W. Knox, Gregg W. Etter, and Carter F. Smith offer an informed and carefully investigated examination of gangs and organized crime groups, covering street gangs, prison gangs, outlaw motorcycle gangs, and organized crime groups from every continent. Nonetheless, the government insisted that based on [Hankton's] offense conduct and relevant conduct he was actually responsible for distributing more than 500 grams of crack, which would result in an offense level of 36. However, as stated above, the rules of evidence do not apply during sentencing proceedings and hearsay is not only an acceptable basis for a sentencing determination, United States v. Smith, 3 F.3d at 1100, it is often an integral part of the sentencing process. Badger, 983 F.2d at 1459. 2D1.1(a)(4).23 In addition, the government maintained that Davis' offense level should also be increased by 3 levels because he qualified under the Guidelines as a manager or supervisor of a criminal activity involving more than five participants. The list is a detailed explanation of how to act as "security" for drug sales and how to sell "packs" of crack in three buildings of the Robert Taylor Homes that are controlled by the gang. of crack every four or five days over a period of five months). 3E1.1. Hankton next claims that it was clear error for the district court to determine that he was an organizer or leader of a criminal activity pursuant to 3B1.1(a) of the Guidelines. ", And rule No. On November 21, 2002, Hankton signed a plea agreement in which he admitted distributing approximately 156 grams of cocaine base to a confidential informant, in violation of 21 U.S.C. In the Illinois prison system, they are a part of the People Nation. It even cites the court case-Miranda vs. Arizona. All customers entering the building must be searched. Latin Disciples are one of the original gangs in the Folk alliance, alongside the BGD's (Black Gangster Disciples), Simon City Royals, Spanish Cobras, Satan's Disciples, Ashland Vikings, Two-Six, and others. This increased the pressure on law enforcement to go after the gang. Instead, the government argued that, in addition to possessing powder cocaine, Davis was also responsible for possessing with the intent to distribute between 50 and 150 grams of crack cocaine, pursuant to U.S.S.G. In order to corroborate Agent Darin's testimony, the prosecution called one of Hankton's co-defendants, Jammah Olden. Nevertheless, as we have stated, the rules of evidence do not apply at sentencing, see Hardamon, 188 F.3d at 849, and the judge was entitled to consider any relevant evidence assuming that evidence included a sufficient indicia of reliability. See Robinson, 164 F.3d at 1070. Nonetheless, [a] defendant has the due process right to be sentenced on the basis of accurate information. United States v. Salinas, 62 F.3d 855, 859 (7th Cir.1995) (citing United States v. Mustread, 42 F.3d 1097, 1101 (7th Cir.1994)). Hankton has failed to point to anything in the record which might render Agent Darin's testimony at sentencing unreliable, aside from his assertion that portions of his Darin's testimony constituted inadmissibly hearsay. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, Clarence Hankton and Gregory Davis were prominent members of the MCs, a dangerous and violent street gang that operated primarily out of housing projects on the north-west side of Chicago. The indictment also alleged that the defendants participated in various other drug-related crimes arising out of their membership in, and affiliation with, the Mickey Cobras (MCs) street gang, which operated on the north-side of Chicago, Illinois during the 1980s and 1990s.2. Meaning that, without anything more, evidence of drug transactions referenced in the telephone recordings that Agent Darin testified concerning was sufficient to attribute over 500 grams of crack cocaine to Hankton under the sentencing guidelines. The fact that Davis called no witnesses at sentencing and failed to successfully discredit Agent Darin on cross-examination, however, evinces nothing more than a shortcoming in the presentation of his case and falls far short of establishing error on the part of the trial judge. What's more, Hankton's role as leader and organizer is rather persuasively illustrated by the fact that he had the power within the MCs organization to order the brutal beating and murder of one of the gang's members, Annette Williams. "The Horatio Alger of today is the gang leader," said Knox, referring to the 19th Century author made famous by his stories of rags-to-riches success. During the mid 1950s the Egyptian Cobras fought heavily with a gang called the 14th Street Clovers. Sign in and out each day. 2D1.1(a)(4). Thus, because the plea agreements submitted at sentencing were corroborated by the credible testimony given by Agent Darin, as well as the live testimony of co-defendant Olden-both of which were subject to thorough cross-examination at sentencing-we hold that the sentencing judge did not err, much less commit clear error when considering this most reliable evidence when determining that Hankton was responsible for distributing in excess of 500 grams of crack cocaine pursuant to U.S.S.G. Like the Cobras in Cabrini (the castle) were King Cobras and Mickey's. Then in the 90s to make it even worse Prince Money ( Mickey's son) flipped GD and allot of cobras went with him. Olden stated that Hankton regularly supplied him with crack (not powder cocaine) which he was instructed to sell to others.17 Specifically, Olden testified that beginning in June of 2000 (until approximately October of 2000) Hankton had personally supplied him with amounts of crack cocaine ranging from one-eighth ounce to one-half ounce every three or four days. "The loyalty is to the dollar," said Sgt. 3B1.1(b). He joined in 1978 when he was eight years old and left the gang in 1996. "If there's no rules, no one knows what's going on. 14 for the Mickey Cobras is "There will be no more paying brothers and sisters to do your security." Rule No. This is not to mention the fact that Davis was provided with ample opportunity to rebut the hearsay evidence proffered against him in the form of the co-defendant plea agreements, either by calling his own exculpatory witnesses or through his cross examination of Agent Darin. As this court has held, the pre-Booker mandatory application of the sentencing guidelines ipso facto constitutes plain error. See id. Id. On the record before us, we cannot ascertain with any exacting degree of certainty whether the sentencing judge would have imposed identical sentences for Hankton and Davis had he known that the sentencing guidelines were not mandatory at the time. Even a conservative estimate of the amount of cocaine Hankton supplied Olden with amounts to approximately 4.6875 ounces or 134 grams of crack cocaine (which is equal to Hankton supplying Olden with 1/8 oz. See United States v. White, 406 F.3d 827, 835 (7th Cir.2005); United States v. Castillo, 406 F.3d 806, 823-24 (7th Cir.2005). They were originally known as the Cobrastones, and were formed in the Robert Taylor Homes in the early 1960s.

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